Thursday, April 26, 2018


Midweek Motif at Poets United
asks us to feature Summer. The word
conjures pleasant vignettes.
Submitted to Poets United
April 26, 2018

Grasshoppers and fireflies
         Sunday afternoon croquet games
                          Home made Ice cream
   Sheets smelling of sunshine
                               Bicycle rides at dusk
          Song of the meadowlark from the fencepost
Sweet-smelling fields of clover
                   Hoot owl in the oak tree
    Reading Zane Grey under the elm tree
                          Cold, clear water from the well
 Magnificent summer storms
            Tomatoes ripe and warm from the garden
                           Sweet, purple grapes from the old vine
Hollyhocks by the yard fence
     The low of cattle in the evening
                       Life, so simple and sweet

Monday, April 23, 2018


Lilian asks us to consider
the word “gather” in
this week’s quadrille of
44 words.
Submitted to dVerse
April 22, 2018

in reverie
memories drift from
the attic of my brain  
and I revisit
the many actors
in the drama
of  my life ...
some are extras
entering stage left
exiting stage right
some have leading roles  ...
I gather their faces
in my mind yet again

Digital art is my own.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Idle thoughts in rhyme, submitted to Poets United
Poetry Pantry #399,  and to dVerse Open Link #218.
March 16, 2018

Sometimes, as our life progresses
There are moments we show no concern
Absorbed with our busy thought processes
They pass by to never return
    They're the last times

A lunch with favorite people
Lifetime friendships honed by the years
The next time a chair may be empty
And what’s left memories and tears.
    It was the last lunch.

A cheek turned to his goodbye kiss
As he hurried out the door
A screech of brakes and shatter of glass
And life as she knew it is no more.
   It was the last kiss.

She waved as the schoolbus pulled away
A day to be gloriously free
But madness stalked the classroom
And he fell to a bullet he didn’t see.
   It was their last day.

We must treasure the special moments
And consider what we do and say
There is no guarantee for tomorrow
Perhaps all we have is today.
   And the last times.
