Saturday, May 28, 2022




  1. “May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.” ― George Jung, Blow by Blow


Daisy was a strong lady

Who played a leading role

With Daisy’s  determination

She always met her goal

She set her sights on victory

Winning never to lack

Daisy was the smart lady

Who kept the wind at her back.

Friday, May 20, 2022


FRIDAY WRITINGS at Poets & Storytellers, and we're asked to consider our observations of the depressing news of our current times.   At 88 years of age, I can hardly lead a march or run for office, but I can do my small part to spread a bit of cheer and kindness at any opportunity.  I was reminded of this poem about a lady whose small act was to plant a rose bush and bring some beauty to her part of the world.  Her thoughtfulness lingers on, and so might ours.



Mary planted roses by the door

In that time so long ago

Through lace curtains at the window

She watched them bloom and grow.

Those days are long since gone

Faded into pages of the past

But still the roses vine and bloom

Each year as beautiful as the last.

The lace now hangs in tatters

The cottage vacant and still

The oaks still overlook it all

From their spot upon the hill.

Mary is but a memory

To those who loved her best

But still her roses vine and bloom

Since she’s been laid to rest.

So we, too, leave a legacy

In small things we have done

And we leave a gossamer footprint

That lingers after we have gone.

Friday, April 15, 2022


FRIDAY WRITINGS   Magaly suggested we find something old and give it new life.  I found this golden oldie from my days as a lady executive longing for some peace and quiet.  Now I'm on the other side,  having the time to savor I longed for all that time ago.  There seems little that needs to be changed!  It's a nice reminder of how I looked forward to these quiet times....a peek at the me who used to be!   I'm sending good wishes to Magaly for a quick recovery!


As I speed along the highway

In the usual morning race

My thoughts turn back to other times

When life had a slower pace

When there was time for dreaming

And wriggling my toes in the mud

And close examination 

Of each leaf and flower and bud.

For listening to autumn breezes

As they rustled through fields of grain

And for smelling the wondrous fresh bouquet 

Of a late spring evening rain

For idling under a shade tree

When no one knew where I was

And studying the intricate mechanics

Of what makes bumblebees buzz.

For listening to trills of songbirds 

As they flit from tree to tree

While I looked for four-leaf clovers 

In grass like a great green sea.

It seems now my days are so busy

These pleasures are things of the past

I try to find time for dreaming

But life races by too fast

I think of the time when I’m older,

With time on my hands again.

How I’ll treasure those special moments

Much moreso than I did then.

For God in his infinite wisdom 

Has bestowed a very great favor

What in youth we take for granted

In old age we have time to savor.

Saturday, April 2, 2022


 Sunday Muse #205

I remember the diner

We sat in “our” booth

in the back

oblivious to everyone

Your eyes were

the bluest of blue,

your lips like

sun-ripened strawberries

waiting to be plucked

It was then we decided 

to be married

and to live




What happened

to those young lovers?

Where did it all

go wrong?

Our dreams like “our” booth

now empty and bereft

charred in the

pages of time 

Was it all

smoke and mirrors?

Friday, March 25, 2022


FRIDAY WRITINGS.   Magaly suggests we put a twinkle in our wrinkle.  I incorporated it into a poem of things I wonder about.  If only we each acknowledged the power of one!  (The art is my own).  Submitted to Poets and Storytellers United, March 25, 2022



How are you, we ask …
Do we really want to know
or is it just another way to say hello?
Are we too busy to listen
or merely too self-absorbed?
Could we save someone’s life
merely by listening to unsaid words
Could we make the world a better place
simply by each taking time to care?
Could we start a kindness pandemic
and spread kindness everywhere
Could we take time to put twinkles
in our time-worn wrinkles

Can we ever learn the power of one?

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 Sarah invites us to put a little color in view, and gives us a delightful bouquet of words to use for our poem.  We can use any or all, and I had a bit of fun with them all.   Submitted to dVerse 3-22-22.


When the trumpet sounded, it was time for my

tea with Florence, so I donned my best chemise.

and checked the mirror.  I was beautiful, and

it was a glorious tea which ended when the 

rolling fog was coming in.   Time to throw

 confetti on the goblin masquerade,  and 

head for my hidey hole until first light.  After all,

tomorrow is another day.

Monday, March 21, 2022


Quadrille Monday at dVerse, and our word is paper.  A long-lasting debate about bathroom tissue comes to mind.  Submitted to dVerse on this firsr day of Spring,  3-21-22.


Some say they are “ready to roll”

all well and good

but which way?

Many discussions

have led 

to little


Should it roll over

or under

if you’re an over

and you marry 

an under, what then?

Ah, the great toilet paper controversy!