Friday, March 25, 2022


FRIDAY WRITINGS.   Magaly suggests we put a twinkle in our wrinkle.  I incorporated it into a poem of things I wonder about.  If only we each acknowledged the power of one!  (The art is my own).  Submitted to Poets and Storytellers United, March 25, 2022



How are you, we ask …
Do we really want to know
or is it just another way to say hello?
Are we too busy to listen
or merely too self-absorbed?
Could we save someone’s life
merely by listening to unsaid words
Could we make the world a better place
simply by each taking time to care?
Could we start a kindness pandemic
and spread kindness everywhere
Could we take time to put twinkles
in our time-worn wrinkles

Can we ever learn the power of one?

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 Sarah invites us to put a little color in view, and gives us a delightful bouquet of words to use for our poem.  We can use any or all, and I had a bit of fun with them all.   Submitted to dVerse 3-22-22.


When the trumpet sounded, it was time for my

tea with Florence, so I donned my best chemise.

and checked the mirror.  I was beautiful, and

it was a glorious tea which ended when the 

rolling fog was coming in.   Time to throw

 confetti on the goblin masquerade,  and 

head for my hidey hole until first light.  After all,

tomorrow is another day.

Monday, March 21, 2022


Quadrille Monday at dVerse, and our word is paper.  A long-lasting debate about bathroom tissue comes to mind.  Submitted to dVerse on this firsr day of Spring,  3-21-22.


Some say they are “ready to roll”

all well and good

but which way?

Many discussions

have led 

to little


Should it roll over

or under

if you’re an over

and you marry 

an under, what then?

Ah, the great toilet paper controversy!

Saturday, March 19, 2022


Revisiting and adding a stanza to something from tje archives, for Friday Writings.  Submitted to Poets and Storytellers United on March 19, 2022.



Once I was like the rock that fell

from the mountain face into

the stream… all sharp edges,

seemingly unchangeable. 

Life happened.  Like the rock in the river,

I was tumbled , bruised and battered

on my journey, edges smoothened

and honed on my passage.

Moments of  joy, moments not, … change

softening and polishing my sharp edges, 

my solid core remaining, but enforced

now with lessons learned.

Approaching the last chapter

of my long journey, a bit weary

and contemplating 

what comes next.


Friday, March 11, 2022


 FRIDAY WRITINGS  .The Ukranian situation leaves hearts heavy all over the world, and those who look to a higher power pray for a peaceful ending.  My thoughts are with the Ukranian people.  Submitted to Poets and Storytellers United, March 11, 2022.


Broken dreams and fallen heroes

Heartbreaks by the score

People pray for peaceful ending

No more misery anymore

Save the mothers, save the children

As the fathers go to war

People pray for peaceful ending

And no more misery anymore

Strike the evil one from power

Cleanse him to his very core

As people pray for peaceful ending

And no more misery anymore.

Bring wisdom to world leaders

Help them find peace, we implore

People are praying for peaceful ending

And no more misery anymore.

Saturday, March 5, 2022



We walk about 

In our chosen shoes

to keep us

quite protected

from mud and such

there are times, however

we have a need

to dispense with them

and wriggle our toes

in the mud of life.

to  remember 

what is real

and be reminded  

to walk in faith

and never lose

touch with reality.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


I'm always fascinated with the way trees bend to the wind -- sometimes gently to summer breezes, sometimes tossing in spirited March bursts of energy.  My photo is of a bench under an old oak on a hill in Salem, Oregon, taken by my daughter.  Something about the bench inspired my poem...and maybe it was an impish March wind that inspired the last line! Submitted to dVerse 3/1/22.

I was there today at our oak on the rise
I remembered your tears as we said our goodbyes
I vowed to be back as soon as I could
Life got in the way, it took longer than it should
But I never forgot you and your sweet smile
Somehow I expected you’d be there all the while
Now my friends tell me I was gone too long
That our love turned into a boring old song
They say another fellow has caught your eye 
Seems I’m the only one wondering why
Some say I’m bitter and have no right to judge
I have to admit I’m carrying a grudge
But I’ll always remember the oak and the bench
And wish you’d waited……you heartless wench!