Saturday, February 11, 2017

Haibun and haiku

Bjorn challenges us to write a haibun "on any subject that you like. but you should illustrate it with one picture, and let picture prose and haiku complement each other".  He asks that the haibun be first person, present.   This is my first effort at this style!
I sit by the fire, wine in hand, losing myself in the ever-changing display of flame,  thinking of legends and lies, and a life well-lived, remarking on remorse and savoring victories.   For the moment, I bask in a magic state of contentment, forgiving myself for mistakes made, accepting that I did the best I knew how at the time.  I am, I thought, like the sharp-edged piece of mountain face that falls into a stream and tumbles ever downward, edges smoothed by obstacles encountered in its descent, arriving in the valley well-shaped and polished with the patina of time.

Pristine world of white
beyond frosted window pane
I'm inside, content.


  1. Love the thought of the mountain and the time. Life is like that, with the beauty of patina. The haiku brought me back to the view with that wonderful scenery... You did great with your first haibun... they are addictive and fun.

  2. Content for a moment... I like that. I wonder what the bird thought of you sitting inside.

  3. Nice photo with the cardinal positioned perfectly in the window adding a bright contrast to the white and gray woods. Also a nice thought about being a piece of the mountain reaching the valley well shaped.

  4. Love that contrast, in out, warm cold, wild tame.

  5. This is wonderful ... all three elements work so well together. I had a sense of a lovely lightening of thought, as I moved through the pieces, ao that the mood was quite ethereal and serene, at the close.

  6. Oh my, this is wonderful. I love the vivid images and analogy you have given us here and the haibun offers another dimension.

  7. oh wow bev....this is stunning and reflecting. sorta sucked the breath out of me. you are a wonderful scribe!
