Friday, December 24, 2021


Good tidings to all, and a short rhyme.  Submitted to Poets and Storytellers United, 12-23-21.



Strange things befell me on the

way to Christmas.  Seems I slipped a 

cog along the way.  

Had an “absence” spell and hospital

visit just when I had planned no life delay.

.Learned again to take no day for granted.

Each is a gift to treasure, come what may.

Here I am to say happy holidays.  I’ve come

to rhyme another day


  1. Rejoice, live, love ~~~~ many, many more days!! Merry Christmas.

  2. Welcome back Bev....Merry Christmas !

  3. Hope you get that cog back in working condition soon!!!
    Also hope your Christmas was Merry and that you will
    have a Happy New Year.

  4. Hope you are safe and well.
    yes, things happen, and we must be thankful for each new day.
    Hope you have a good Christmas, and may the New Year be Happy and Blessed.

  5. Wow, glad you survived that OK dear Bev. We can't do without your rhymes – or you!

  6. Oh, wow! Hope all is as it's supposed to be now; better yet, as you wish it.

    Happiest New Year, dear Beverly!
