Monday, November 25, 2019


Haibun Monday -
Frank asks us to consider gratitude
on this week of our Thanksgiving
Submitted to dVerse
November 25, 2019

Lord, help me to not take for granted the
good things in my life.  Help me to remember
there are those who would be grateful for such
simple things as a roof to shelter them from storms, 
enough sustenance to satisfy the gnawing hunger
that is part of their daily existence, for  clean water
to slake their thirst,  for a safe place to sleep at
night, and  for the ability to walk the streets of
their homeland without fear of gunfire or
mayhem.  Help me to celebrate gratitude for
small daily miracles that often go unnoticed,
and to face each day with a grateful heart.
daily miracles
pass by our way unnoticed
may we be aware


  1. Beautiful and caring. Thank you Bev.

  2. Such a great reminder of what we so often take for granted! Well done!

  3. Humble and prophetic! Indeed, a powerful reminder of everything for which we should be grateful!

  4. "Help me to celebrate gratitude for
    small daily miracles that often go unnoticed,
    and to face each day with a grateful heart."

    A heartfelt prayer and beautiful.

  5. Beautiful prayer Bev. To this I say — “so be it!”

  6. So true - our thankfulness is always soaked in suffering.

  7. This is a wonderful prayer, Bev, and you are right.

  8. Indeed ... we live such easy lives these days so we are not even aware how it could have been

  9. We overflow with gratitude when we consider those less fortunate. Yes, this is a beautiful prayer, Bev, to the Giver of all good gifts!
