Monday, November 8, 2021


 PROSERY MONDAY,   Merril has issued the challenge to write our prosery of EXACTLY 144 words to include the following line from Adrienne Rich's poem "Planetarium" -- "I am bombarded  yet I stand".  Since software changes are afoot, I've issued a warning prosery.. Submitted to dVerse, Nocember 8, 2021.



Recently I read  Windows 11 is about to be released upon us. Simultaneously,  Yahoo e-mail is giving me a daily “Update Now”.  This means somewhere in some techno-den  the geeks lurk, busily planning to make changes proving they are worth their exorbitant salaries, and it is about to happen in a double dose.--one from Microsoft and one from Yahoo. In my experience these changes are thrust upon us,  the unwitting trouble-shooters,  to help them sort out the kinks. “I am bombarded, yet I stand” to the very last minute with my Windows 10 and my current Yahoo e-mail.  I’ve already seen their nasty little footprints when my mouse suddenly converted itself from single-click to double-click and began to respond tantamount to rollerskating in peanut butter. After a couple of weeks this seems to have mysteriously corrected itself.  Don your flak trousers, friends, change is coming.  


  1. Buckle-up! I don't use Windows or Yahoo, but I know what you mean.
    I'm sure WP will also decide to make changes now, so you'll get all three!

  2. Yes indeed. Im there with you. We are bombarded.


  3. "Rollerskating in peanut butter" sounds like pure frustration. Yes, spare me the updates as well, especially WP, it's always so glitchy!!

  4. The one thing certain about technology Bev, is nothing is certain until it’s in the store, be it brick & mortar, or virtual online.

  5. Nothing ever seems to stay the same. What is lost is often ignored. What is gained is not always better! Hold your ground Beverly, I am with you!

  6. Hmm. Is wordpress getting in on the action? It is indeed a bombardment.

  7. Oh this made me laugh, but ruefully. The lengths they go to to justify their jobs...

  8. Hahahaha! This captured well the horror some of us feel about technology: you get used to one thing, then it's all change all over again! And do they think we have time for all these updates?

  9. perfect pic to match your write. well captured on the modern world.

  10. This is very funny & true to life, Bev!

    David [ben Alexander]

  11. I'm still using windows 7! Yikes! Technology and I will never be friends. Great use of the prompt!

  12. Today you preach to the choir! Still coming to terms with Windows 10 and now? My new modem is misbehaving?! Well done Bev.

  13. I'm waiting as long as possible to upgrade to Windows 11 too, if for no other reason, then because my husband says each second version of Windows is crappy. I'm glad your mouse decided to behave after all.

  14. OH my. How did you know what I was thinking. When I worked, I always knew when the techs had upgraded the system as nothing worked. Well done.

    1. For almost two weeks my mouse went crazy and I searched out every setting I could think of. Suddenly and for no apparent reason it corrected itself. Strange it coincidentally happened when they were working on upgrades.......................%$#^

  15. Ha.. working in the industry I see the other side of it with all the security problems coming from people not upgrading in time.

    1. Then you'll forgive me for believing my strange mouse problems had something to do with the upgrades??? I'm sure your side of upgrades can be equally frustrating!!
