Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Grandma's Stove

Time for Tuesday Poetics, and Grace
has asked us to feature FOOD in
our writing effort.  My special memories
of food take me directly to the kitchen
of my grandmother and the huge round
table that sat near her magic black
cookstove. Food and family intermingle
in m mind.
Submitted to dVerse
October 1, 2019


  1. Lovely remembrance. I am glad they were happy memories.

    We used to call what was later called the living room the front room as well and we rarely went there. Today we have no room that fits either description.

  2. I very much enjoyed your warm reverie of those golden times with your family. The first line of your last stanza is so true and you are blessed to have these be the ones imprinted.

  3. A lovely and loving remembrance. I really enjoyed your memories.

  4. Great memories! Food and memories seem to go hand in hand!

  5. This is so evocative and heartwarming, Bev.

  6. Your memory is much better than mine -- memories are far from permanent and always morphingly inaccurate. Do you ever use "gossamer" in a conversation??
    Lovely story

    1. Ha! Gossamer is one of my favorite words! It goes hand in hand with memories in my mind, as opposed to morphingly inaccurate!! (Chuckle).

  7. I love the scene = family stories around the kitchen's stove. Such a comforting treasure as one gets older.

  8. I don't ever remember being in my grandparents' living room either...it was the kitchen or the front porch. What wonderful memories!
