Thursday, April 30, 2020


Open Link Night at dVerse, and Kim is
our gracious hostess.  She offers some thoughts
on listening, and shares the poem “The
Art of Listening” by Jonathan Drane.  It occurs
to me we might well pen one titled “The LOST Art
of Listening”. Here are my thoughts (in rhyme,
of course).
Submitted to dVerse
April 30, 2020
all too often we listen
all too seldom we hear
we say “How are you”
the reply falls on deaf ear.

Mother Earth speaks
we block her wisdom
too selfish to care
we build our own prison
From a speech by Chief Seattle of the Suquamish tribe:
"At night, when the streets of your cities and villages shall be silent, and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled and still love this beautiful land.....Even the rocks that seem to lie dumb as they swelter in the sun along the silent seashore in solemn grandeur thrill with memories of past events connected with the fate of my people, "


  1. Not listening is like building a prson.

  2. You're right that so often we don't listen--to people or to the earth.

  3. "too selfish to care" says so much when it comes to our fate

  4. An apt title for today’s theme, Bev, and an excellent quote to accompany your poem. It’s been a while since I’ve heard someone ask the question “How are you?” in person. Sometimes I want to reply honestly but can only manage a feeble “not so bad, thanks”. Would the other person listen if I did? Let’s hope Mother Earth will be heard by more people than just us.

  5. I think we've been forced to listen finally. I never know how to answer 'how are you?' I’m starting to like sauerkraut. I need a haircut?

  6. Listening is a lost art...we are too full of ourselves.
