Sunday, May 3, 2020


Sunday Muse #106.  We know the
routine -- be inspired by the photo.
This is by no means autobiographical,
it's just where my muse took me.
Submitted to Sunday Muse
April 3, 2020

I’m tired of wearing this mask
trying to be what’s expected
    of me

I want to follow the
trail of fallen petals
that speak of poor choices

back to my wishing tree
in the meadow ….
I want to start over


  1. Stunning in its simplicity ~~ overwhelms with its message.

  2. Back track your steps of poor choices made? Sounds really good, it might lead to a better second chance. Just remember, there are no take-backs on poor choices but there may be a second chance. Like I went back to college eleven years after I dropped out. Pro basket ball players often do that.
    Thank you for reading my work, I tried singing along with it, change a few words and it might be CW. Thank you, I do know a music-to-words fellow.

  3. I want to start
    over again

    For one thing Bev, these new normal of inconveniences and distractions allow us to reflect on the simple little things that we now miss. But going back to the old normal apparently may take a couple of years! A real pity!


  4. Back to the wishing tree in the meadow.....sweet and wistful.

  5. "I want to follow the
    trail of fallen petals
    that speak of poor choices made

    back to my wishing tree
    in the meadow …."

    Yes, indeed. I love the language you used there.

  6. Full of a simple longing and beauty.

  7. I can so relate to this Beverly. Oh to be able to start over again. A lovely write indeed!

  8. So simple, yet a yearning truth for many emerges.
