Monday, January 4, 2021


 Haibun Monday begins our New Year.  I'm thinking how the past year has impacted people of all walks of life, and how we all come together filled with hope for the new year.  Submitted to dVerse, 1-4-2021


The year 2020 brought a dark miasma that affected us all…..the makers of music and dreamers of dreams, givers and takers and people of means, spinners of words and rhymers of rhymes, counters of pennies, nickels and dimes, wanderers and vagabonds, casters of spells, those who suffer their own private hells, men of the soil and singers of songs, some who can’t differ the rights from the wrongs, code talkers, street walkers, saints and sinners, soothsayers, psychics, losers and winners, woman of the cloth and ladies of the night, tellers of tales and bringers of light….all types of people seeking one thing in common, a method to cope, clinging and trusting in the thing called hope.

Characters on stage

Everyone playing their role

Family of man 


  1. What a glorious list - a poem in itself. Just swept me along. Lovely.

  2. I love how everyone still clings to the small little thing of feathers called hope.

  3. I love the listing works very well in prose and creates a rhythm in the reading. And oh says it very this year affected so many people in all walks of life. Covid knew no boundaries.

  4. This was really wonderful--yes so many all in this together.

  5. A brotherhood of man ... what it should be about. We have a way to journey, but hope lives in me and I'm certain in you.

  6. I liked the way the poetry sneaked into the prose, too!

  7. What a great and warm-hearted summary of last year, which also made me smile. Loved the haiku of togetherness at the end :-)

  8. I enjoyed the lyrical rhyming of the prose, Bev, and the way you summed up 2020 in a nutshell of people ’seeking one thing in common, a method to cope, clinging and trusting in the thing called hope’ – we are still doing that, and I think it will continue through much of 2021. I hope everyone continues to play their role.

  9. You bright poetry into your prose :) It's a good list, and we ought to take the hint and join in the hoping.

  10. Yes! I think collectively we will find it. A fun read!

  11. Very good Beverly... yes in this year we all came together in same play of life. This time is was a tragedy!

  12. The flow is like a trance. It carried me away, what a unique haibun! Beverly :))
