Sunday, February 21, 2021


Writers' Pantry #58.  We're having a heat wave!  First day over freezing temps in what seems like forever.   We even had some sunshine!   My thoughts turn to warmer climes, and the ocean, and to endangered coral..  Submitted to Poets and Storytellers United, February 21, 2021

nestled on the ocean floor
spiked fingers appearing
to reach upward
for the warmth of sunshine.
hiding its razor edges
from careless swimmers
home to underwater denizens
guardian of sunken ships
and mysteries of forgotten cities
wonder of the deep.


  1. The different facets of coral. Lovely writing.

  2. "wonder of the deep", indeed. I've always been amazed by coral. When I was very young, before I had ever touched it, I thought coral would be soft. Then I toughed it, and still have the scar to remind me of the experience.

  3. Very nice reflection on coral. I don't think much about coral, but I really like "spiked fingers appearing / to reach upward / for the warmth of sunshine."

  4. I hope our coral – and everything else – stays alive and thriving!

    You left a comment at P&SU about your comments to Magaly's blog disappearing – which suggests you missed seeing our replies to your similar worry at the previous Weekly Scribblings. Perhaps you could go back and have a look?

    1. Thanks, I did miss the reply. I'm aware of moderation, guess I wasn't giving you time to moderate!! I'm sure the misplaced comment for Cressida was caught up in my trying to figure out where my comments were going! All OK now .... hopefully!

  5. This is incredibly lovely, visual and tactile. Brava!

  6. Beautiful Yes the deep hides many wonders
