Monday, February 1, 2021


 Haibun Monday at dVerse, and Frank has asked us to feature the eagle.  I recently came across the story of drone versus eagle which may be of interest,   Here's my recount of the tale.  Submitted February 1, 2021  The photo was taken by my daughter in Ankenny National Wildlife Refuge in Salem, Oregon.  


Erosion has been a serious problem on Michigan's Upper Peninsula.  The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (known as EGLE) determined to use a drone for mapping shoreline erosion near Escanaba to document and help communities cope with high water levels.  

The mapping began, with environmental analyst Hunter King monitoring progress.  About seven minutes into the flight, reception became spotty and the drone began to twirl.  It sent 27 warning messages, one oF which was that it was missing a propeller, before it splashed down into the cold waters of the lake.   The mystery of its demise was solved by two birdwatchers nearby who saw the drone attacked by an American eagle before it spiraled into the lake, and the eagle soared away, apparently unharmed.   

The EGLE drone team is considering how to change the drone's appearance so that it does not resemble a seagull, and the eagle, no doubt, is wondering exactly what manner of seagull it was he encountered!

above Lake Michigan

technology met nature

where the eagle rules


  1. Oh WOW! I love your haibun, Beverly! The Eagle King showed the drone who ruled the great lake. What a great photo by your daughter also!

  2. Brilliant! I could picture that swooping battle between Bald eagle and hapless drone. Beautifully done!

  3. What a great story Bev! I can see it unfolding ☺️💕

  4. I love your story Beverly! I can see how that might happen. Great Haibun and I love the Haiku!

  5. Oh what a fantastic story! This really made me smile. The poor eagle must have been quite confused, but the poor drone surely came off worst...

  6. An interesting piece, Bev. Erosion is a widespread problem across the world. I’m always glad to read about technology to help communities cope with high water levels and other environmental problems. But what an amazing scene, a seagull drone attacked by an American eagle!

  7. lol great story, the drone met it's match! I feel there will be many such vicious demises with nature, with planes, tangled in kites ... as they get more popular drones will be downed :)

    PS Love your daughter's photo!

  8. I LOVE this ... and score ONE for the eagle! Cheers.

  9. Nature vs technology — nature finds a way Be ! :)

  10. I think a drone has to look like a drone for the eagle to leave it alone.

  11. Apparently it did look like a drone, Bjorn. It was a $950 dollar piece of equipment, but the EGLE team seems to think the eagle thought it was a seagull.
