Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Open Link and Writer’s Pantry, idle thoughts on a lazy day.  We all walk such diverse paths in our way through life, I suppose this poem could be endless, but mercifully I reached its conclusion!   Submitted to dVerse, and to Storytellers and Poets United.   May 2021



Comers and goers

Lovers and dreamers

Slow walking fast talkers

High flyers on the down low

Losers and winners

Mathematicians and magicians

Escorts and pole dancers

Lost with nowhere to go

Architects and demolition experts

Teachers and seekers of knowledge

Risk takers and tale spinners

Those who travel alone

Tree huggers and street muggers

Each in their own way bereft

While thinking little of others

They enter stage right, exit stage left.

We wander through our lives

Some doors we go in, and some out

But there’s one common thread among us

Wondering what it's all about.


  1. I can hear someone singing this song. I think you're channeling Eddie Kendricks! Wonderful tune!

  2. I had to Google Eddie Kendricks to find out who he was!

  3. Very nice! and... as they say in Lord of the Rings... All who wander are not lost!

  4. This is another fine feel-good poem from you; thank-you. We all can use some hugs and kisses, and pats on the back.

  5. Oh the humanity! Somewhere, we are all in there, forming the whole. Nicely writ! ~peace, jason

  6. We're all exactly the same different, aren't we?
    Wonderfully aware, inclusive piece, Beverly!

  7. But there’s one common thread among us
    Wondering what it's all about.

    Love the ever present feeling of confusion for everyone picked out here Bev! All the more like the current frustration of having to stay safe at home. Thoughtful thoughts Ma'am!


  8. Yes how true is that?! It was like you were describing New York. A city full of everyone from everywhere ☺️

  9. I like the way the pace and rhythm of this poem change from the steady ‘Comers and goers / Lovers and dreamers’ to ‘Architects and demolition experts / Teachers and seekers of knowledge’, the internal rhyme of ‘Tree huggers and street muggers’, and the play on ‘wander / wonder’. You summed up life succinctly, Bev, in the lines:
    ‘Each in their own way bereft
    While thinking little of others
    They enter stage right, exit stage left.’

  10. love the play on antonyms and the capturing of human life's meanings.

  11. Excellent conclusion! The universal thread which binds us all. These reads like a song to me and I would very much like to hear it sung!

  12. "Wondering what it's all about." -- Yes, and every day something new.

  13. Humanity is vast and incomprehensible.

  14. All walks of life leading to the eternal human question - poetic observations very well put. :)

  15. Good build up and closing question. What's it all about, Alfie?

  16. I love all the contrasts of humanity, and how we all are there bewildered (and maybe those with most conviction only have it to mask their befuzzlement)

  17. humanity is a bewildering mix of characters. i liked the contrasts in the poem, tells us the options we have.

  18. Oh yes, I do wonder what it's all about...and I probably shall, until the day I die.

  19. The contrast and similarities human beings and what humans do are certainly lists that can go forever. I really like the closing, Bev. It leaves us wondering, like the speaker and subjects... all of us wander and wonder.

  20. This is delicious! Risk taker, tale spinner, lone traveler ~~ me. The last stanza speaks for all of us.

  21. What a delightful poem. Love the rythm and the sounds and how life exist out of all these wunderful characters who wander and wonder. It keeps lingering in your head.

  22. Every creature and other living thing ponder this question not realising it is simple to ensure more of ones kind are produces to ensure the species survive. Humans tend not to consider that and vainly put themselves at the peak and consider everthing else subservient, food or useless and should be eradicated. We will never learn.

  23. This is like a song! Well written Bev! I celebrate the veracity and power of your words. May you continue always sharing only your authentic self — that alone makes you genuine, meaningful to read, and of worth to be heard! Síocháin!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Rob. Approaching 90, it seems I've met a plethora of humankind!

  24. Slow walking fast talkers remind me of old, rich ladies of the 1920s, and demolition experts bring to mind companies that implode buildings. What a business!
