Monday, October 30, 2017


Our Haibun Monday challenge is
to feature “kindness”.
Submitted to dVerse
October 30, 2017

There’s a physics theory which, in essence, is the idea that a single butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the globe can, in theory, start a hurricane on the other.  I believe, if this concept were applied to acts of kindness, a single small kindness could be like a pebble dropped in a stream, with the ripples going outward, wider and wider.  There were wonderful role models of kindness in the very rural community in which I grew up.  If a local farmer were ill or injured and unable to harvest his crops, for example, on a given day a virtual army of neighbors would appear, work together, and in a single afternoon finish the task for him.  Conversely, just a kind word or a compliment can make someone’s day. The funny thing about an act of kindness is that it has a boomerang effect.  While our act of kindness affects others, we receive a warm, happy rush for having extended it.   It’s a win-win situation!  Let’s start a kindness revolution!

Pebble in the stream
Ripples ever widening
Be humble and kind



  1. Hear, hear, right here--bang on, Bev. Like the Love Fests of the 60's, perhaps a kindness revolution is just what the world needs now--after we get of Trump !!

  2. Now this is a revolution I can get behind. I like how you linked the butterfly effect, as I think these little touches can make a far reaching impact on us, on them and all that see.

    Humility does play a big part. We fail to see much when our eyes are only on ourselves - and our comfort.

  3. I agree with you on the boomerang effect of kindness ~ The giver and recipient are both blessed and happy ~ Let's start a kindness revolution ~

  4. Kindness is a win-win situation. I think that is why it can ripple beyond itself.

  5. I am beginning to ripple! Lovely haibun, Bev.

  6. Yes I have heard of butterfly effect. I love your idea of the kindness effect. AndvI have always used the pebble effect with my kids.

  7. I love the idea of kindness rippling outward. It is so intrinsic to the human spirit. We see it in the selfless heroics of people towards others in times of disaster or crisis. Love the idea of a kindness revolution. I wrote a poem with that title once.

  8. I like where you said that acts of kindness have a boomerang effect. I really believe that. It's happened to me more than once. A very nice haibun.

  9. I believe in this, but alas also hatred work the same way... but working with kindness can be so much more rewarding

  10. Oh yes, a kindness revolution.! How fantastic that would be.

  11. I apologize for getting to your submission so late. I lost internet (!) yesterday during the prompt and just got it back sometime early this morning. And this is why I prompted kindness and the acts of kindness today for my Haibun Prompt...I needed to inject some positivity into our world for just a little space. The Butterfly Effect...yes indeed. People all over the world, start a love train.

  12. What a wonderful thought this is. I think I shall believe in this magic also.
