Monday, September 14, 2020



Safe at last

No more shouting and deriding them in his
alcohol-fueled rages.  At last, he'd crossed the line, and
he was serving a long jail sentence for his last battering that
nearly killer her.

Now her babies were safe.  
The woman watched the sleeping children.
The nightmares were gone, and now they smiled sweetly in their
sleep, reliving happy times in their dreams.
They sleep with the moon shining in their window, she thought
moonbeams lighting their way to happy places, safe and secure in
the knowledge of her love.  No matter that he'd left her alone to raise them
Working two jobs was a small price to pay for their new life of peace and laughter.

Safe at last.

Prosery Monday, and Merrill has challenged
us to write prosery including a line from 
Mary Oliver’s “Death at Wind River”, that
being “in their dreams they sleep with the moon
not to exceed 144 words.  I am still struggling with
the new Blogger format.  (The adage is apparently
true about old dogs and new tricks!)


  1. Oh, this is sadness, with a safe perhaps bittersweet ending Bev. I pray it’s not autobiographical.

  2. I'm sorry any of them had to suffer from the actions of a violent alcoholic. I'm also glad she had the strength to bring peace and safety to herself and her children. "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod" are the best companions to wee ones asleep in moonbeams.

  3. p.s. I love the image you chose <3

  4. A vey sad story with a much happier ending. It is so sad when children are abused by those who are supposed to be protecting them.
    well done Beverly.

  5. Sad story Bev, ah but a happy ending serves for an exhale
    Happy Monday. Thanks for dropping by to read mine


  6. Indeed, a very sad and heartbreaking story. But I'm glad that it ends safely and happily.

  7. "Safe at last." Oh, if only...

    You tell it beautifully though, Bev. Congrats.

  8. All children deserve to be safe and have sweet dreams!

  9. This is a heartbreaker of a story, Bev! Having experienced something similar in the distant past, it touched me deeply.

  10. I am pleased that your narrator and her babies found safety - unfortunately sometimes to get that it is necessary to strike out alone.

  11. A heartbreaking story, but a happy, peaceful ending. Should all stories have such endings! Beautiful!

  12. It's a shame that some women have to choose the lesser of two evils.

  13. Heartbreaking that they had to live through that but I feel a sense of hope for their future. It is a sad reality for far too many...

  14. Such a sad story, and not uncommon, I'm sure. I hope they truly are safe, and that this is a happy ending.

  15. I love that justice had been served so she could be safe... but still I would have hoped that she could find a better life.
